Houston Gym
Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life

A Beginner’s Guide To Working Out At A Gym
Fitness is one of the most important parts of living a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle. The qualities developed by creating a fitness routine and sticking to it are numerous and extend into other areas of your life — such as consistency, motivation, and determination. Starting out, going to the gym can be a new and humbling experience, and you will find that the drive to continue is compounded by your ever-increasing capabilities. Here are some useful tips on exercise for beginners from Houston Gym.
Don’t be Intimidated
Everyone in the gym is there for the same reason you are: to become physically fit, and to improve themselves. People of all shapes and sizes are united in this common goal, and you can trust that most people are focused solely on their workouts. There’s only so much energy to be used up, and nobody would be wise to use that energy judging anyone else.
Prepare Pre-Workout and Protein
Depending on your chosen exercise routine, you may tailor your diet, pre-workout, and protein intake to fit your plans. A common recommendation for building muscle mass is one gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you’re looking to lose fat, you’ll want to focus on creating a caloric deficit and doing lots of cardio.
Start Small
When it comes to weight lifting, don’t immediately run for the biggest weights you can find. Work on developing good form. Practicing bad form when lifting can lead to joint problems, for example. There is time to work your way up the weights, and learning how to work out is a process in itself. Starting Strength is a book commonly recommended for beginners.
Have Fun
Exercising releases endorphins! It’s fun to lift weights, play sports, and run around. It’s one thing we’re meant to do as human beings. Developing a love for the gym will keep you going consistently, and you will reap the physical and mental benefits that come with developing a great body.
Don’t make any excuses. The gym is waiting for you! If you want to see how easily you can get hooked, consider signing up for a free trial from Houston Gym.