Houston Gym

Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life


Tips for Sticking With Your New Year’s Resolution

January 4, 2017

friend2Making fresh New Year’s resolutions is easy, the hard part comes to sticking with the little parts of the routine that make achieving those goals possible. With every new year comes the resolution to focus more on health and fitness, and while the intention is great, our goal here at Houston Gym is to provide you with all of the tools that you need to successfully accomplish all of the goals that you have set for yourself. Together, we have compiled a few tips to ensure that you stick to all of the resolutions that you have decided on.

Find a Friend

It goes without saying that you aren’t the only person in your friend group that set new fitness resolutions. If you are really looking to stick to your goal, find a friend and work with each other to keep each other accountable. From the places that you go to eat to the number of times a week that you are going to the gym, having someone that can stick with you through the trying and weak times can greatly increase the chance of you succeeding.

Set a Schedule

Creating a routine is one of the best ways to truthfully make the dirty work of achieving your resolutions, so much easier. When we don’t have time to dedicate to the hard work of achieving our resolutions, we start to slip and make excuses, which is when we just accept defeat. Rather than create excuses throughout the new year, set yourself up with a schedule that you can stick to. If working out in the morning before heading to work is going to keep you accountable, then start to schedule that into your day to day routine. If you are someone that benefits from your morning sleep, figure out how to get a workout in during your lunch hour or immediately after work so that you don’t have any time to come up with excuses.

runAvoid Temptation

The world that we live in is surrounded by temptation, especially when it comes to nutrition. If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to focus on health, then one of the best things that you can do is to avoid any of the places that will tempt you to cave. If that means eating a healthy meal before heading out to happy hour with friends, or limiting the number of times that you go out with your friends during the week, you need to do whatever it takes to really stick with your goals. While it may be difficult initially, you will be glad that you made the commitment.

Don’t let this be another year of letting your New Year’s resolutions get by you. Stop into Houston Gym and allow for our team to provide you with guidance, motivation and more every time that you stop in. If you have any questions regarding personal training, our fitness class schedule or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re excited to be a part of your goals!