Houston Gym
Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life

What Makes a Successful Mindset? Part 2
The team at Houston Gym is just as dedicated to your success as you are – if not more so! We are here not just to provide a world-class facility in which you can grow; we also provide education and support. Living a fit, healthy lifestyle and reaching your fitness goals isn’t just about developing your body; your mind needs to be developed, too. Having a good mindset makes everything else possible. In our last blog, we discussed how positive realism empowers you to simultaneously reach for your goals and plan practical steps to get there. Today, we’re going to add another concept that is vital to having a good mindset.
- Persistence is simple: you just keep moving forward no matter what. Forget the challenge you’re facing, and just keep pushing. Basically, be Rocky. However, in our last blog, we talked about positive realism, and you don’t want to leave it out here. Out-of-control persistence can give you an injury. Instead, combine persistence with positive realism to wisely handle challenges. Positive realism will allow you to celebrate small victories as steps toward your larger goal. Persistence will help you take those small steps in the first place.
- A humble person has confidence in his or her abilities but always wants to improve. If you are humble, it means you are able to accurately assess your skills. You don’t over-assess them or under-assess them. This clarity and confidence moving forward is incredibly powerful when it comes to fitness, because it allows you to make smart choices.
Everyone’s fitness journey is different, so avoid comparing progress to others’. Stay focused on your goals, and take advantage of our world-class fitness center in Houston. Our team is here to provide fitness classes and training that can change your life. Let us help you today!