Houston Gym

Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life

"New 12-station state-of-the-art Cybex VR2 equipment*"

The most notable equipment addition is the new 12-station state-of-the-art Cybex VR2 equipment. This equipment is designed to accommodate users of all sizes and exercise levels, from rehabilitative work to competitive bodybuilding. All staff members have been thoroughly trained on the use of this equipment and will be instructing members old and new on the proper techniques and benefits of these exciting new machines. “This new equipment will enable Houston Gym to tailor-make 30- to 45-minute exercise programs for active Houstonians who want to shed a few pounds, and build and tone their bodies,” says Bobby Arnold, club manager. “Then we always have free weights to add different exercises to routines over time.”

“Over the past seven years, Houston Gym has become a nationally recognized institution with a solid reputation and has attracted a wide range of clientele from absolute beginners to nationally known competitive bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts,” says Johnnie West, Owner. “In addition, we’ve attracted some of Houston’s top personal trainers who can offer our clients an unparalleled level of professional instruction on the use and benefits of exercise and nutrition.”

– Out Smart Magazine