Houston Gym

Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life


Feeling Weak? Here Are Some Solutions – Part 2

November 30, 2016

Everybody at the gym feels weak sometimes, even though we usually do our best not to show it. Ignoring weariness and weakness can cause serious issues, though. An experienced athlete will notice the danger signs and take action accordingly. We want to help you do the same. In our last blog, we discussed two strategies for handling weakness, including rest and scaling back. Today, we have three more options for you to consider if you’re in a slump.

New Movements

  • If you’ve been doing the same workout long enough, your nervous system will actually get tired of it. That boredom you have to push through every day isn’t just in your head – your whole nervous system is chiming in. Don’t ignore this. It’s usually a dead end, and pushing into it just gets you nowhere. Instead, use the mental flexibility we mentioned in our last blog and change up your routine. You may have go-to variations that have gotten you out of ruts in the past, or you may be facing your first journey into something new. If it helps you, draw on advice and experience around you, whether it’s your friends or a personal trainer. Fresh routines change fitness from a chore to something you anticipate. You will be able to return to your normal routine with a lot more enthusiasm!


Push Through

  • There are times when getting moving is the best solution to a slump. Realizing how great it feels to work out can motivate you to have a great workout and make you eager to work out tomorrow. If you sense you’re in a lazy slump and excuses are all over the place, chances are good that forcing yourself to work out is good. However, there is a chance that you really are drained and your body isn’t ready to handle physical activity. We understand that it can be difficult to tell the difference, and that’s where trial and error is so important. Make an effort to get to know yourself better by trying different solutions. As time goes by, you will amass enough experiences to know how to handle the slumps that we all face (even that one person who never seems to).

Manage Your Mood

  • When working out, the hardest exertions take place in our brains. Your emotions, mental state, and body are intimately connected, and if one element has trouble, everybody has trouble. It’s important to evaluate your mood, because if you’re in a troubled mood, your workout won’t be as good. Form and safety are usually the first things to fall away when you workout while upset, and that makes things dangerous. Having a bad workout on top of being in a bad state just makes it worse.

We aren’t saying that a hard workout isn’t sometimes the perfect remedy for a bad mood. Many people use exertion to regulate their emotions, and that’s great! It’s just important to realize when you’re so bent out of shape, you’re not going to get a good workout. Simply getting moving without a workout agenda can help. We also recommend breathing exercises and meditation techniques. Talk to one of our personal trainers for more strategies.

The team at Houston Gym is dedicated to providing world-class support, facilities, and training to everyone who walks through our doors. Visit us today!