Houston Gym

Fitness is Not a Destination it is a Way of Life


Tips to Remember as Summer Comes Up

By Houston Gym

Summer in Houston is no joke. In fact, summer in Texas is really intense. The recorded average for a Houston summer day is over 90 degrees, so it’s an absolute must that people know how to take care of themselves and prioritize safety when temperatures do get to an outrageous level. At Houston Gym, we are firm believers in maintaining an…

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Benefits of Working Out in a Fitness Class

By Houston Gym

Fitness classes are one of the best ways for people to get the workout that they need in, especially if they are just starting on a new fitness journey or an athletic lifestyle in general.  At Houston Gym, there are a few different classes that we offer and they are a fantastic way to get a jumpstart on the goals that…

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What Drinking Water Does for Your Body – Part 2

By Houston Gym

We hope that you have come thirsty for knowledge because our blog post today is going to continue covering the benefits that having your daily intake of water will have. If you are just joining us, make sure that you go back and check out our blog from a couple weeks back, then come back and see these undeniably great benefits…

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What Drinking Water Does for Your Body

By Houston Gym

It’s been said that the ideal 8 glasses of water a day can do wonders for your body. While we’ve heard this time and time again, it’s not uncommon that people drink much less water than they should be, but we guarantee that wouldn’t be the case if everyone understood just what it was that your daily intake of water would…

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Great Snacks Before Your Workout

By Houston Gym

A powerful workout is fueled by energy, and if your body doesn’t have the energy that it needs to finish a workout correctly, then the chances of injury and a decline in motivation automatically increase. If you are struggling with finding the right type of snack to enjoy before your workout, there are a few different suggestions that we have that…

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Things to Improve Your Workout

By Houston Gym

Workouts are incredibly hard to get through sometimes, and usually, it’s because there’s a lack of motivation to make them especially easy. On the days that you’re lacking motivation or have the feeling that it’s going to be a tough workout, then there are a few things that you can bring to your gym session to make sure that it isn’t…

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Fitness Classes That We Offer

By Houston Gym

In our last blog post, we covered a couple of the reasons that you should really toss any fears that you have of joining a fitness class, to the wind. If you’re feeling especially motivated after reading this, then it’s time that you check out a few of the different classes that we offer here at Houston Gym. With our variety…

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Shed Fears so You Can Shed Weight in Our Fitness Classes

By Houston Gym

Fitness classes are one of the many benefits that you can take advantage of when you sign up for a membership at Houston Gym. For some, this is more intimidating than having to workout alone in the gym, but that shouldn’t be the case. There are plenty of reasons that signing up for a class is something that you should look…

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How a Personal Trainer Can Help With a New You

By Houston Gym

In our last blog post, we covered a few ways that you can stick to your New Year’s resolutions as 2017 takes off. All of these tips are great ways that you can shut down temptation and commit to the time that it takes to put the work in. While these tips can be plenty for some people to get their…

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